Sedation Dentistry Can Help Your Child Have a Relaxed Dental Experience at Their Next Treatment!

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There are dental visits where your child could benefit from sedation dentistry to make their experience more comfortable for them. If you are visiting Sugarbug Dental, we are pleased to offer sedation dentistry options in Oxnard, CA. Whether we are performing a pulpotomy, extracting a tooth or your child is simply anxious about sitting still in a dental chair, our doctors are ready to help!

Depending on their age and experiences, some children may feel nervous or anxious when they are coming in for treatment. Others have a heightened gag reflex, so sedative medication allows them to relax and enjoy a positive experience during their time with us. The sedation method you choose will depend on the level of treatment being done.

Nitrous Oxide
This sedative gas, also commonly called laughing gas, is mixed with oxygen to provide a pleasant, relaxed feeling. Your child will get to wear a colorful nose during their treatment that allows them to inhale fun-flavored air. Since the sedative effects wear off within minutes of stopping the gas flow and switching to 100% pure oxygen, they will be able to resume normal activities such as going back to school.

Oral Conscious Sedation
When deeper sedation is needed, you can pick up a prescription oral medication before your child’s day of treatment. They will most likely still be awake during the procedure but will feel relaxed and drowsy during treatment and a few hours afterward. When they return home, they should still be supervised by an adult.

IV Sedation
This is our deepest level of sedation and is administered intravenously and continually monitored by a dental anesthesiologist and nurse. Your child will likely sleep during the treatment just like being in a hospital receiving general anesthesia.
At Sugarbug Dental, our goal is to help your child have the best dental experience during their visits so they will look forward to maintaining a healthy smile as they grow. If your child needs help with their oral care, we invite you to schedule an appointment to get the treatment they need!