Brush-up on Home Care with Dr. Patricia!

Next stop on the path to strong and healthy teeth is home care! What can you do for your little one’s teeth at home? We sat down with one of our care experts, Dr. Patricia, DMD, MPH who also has two little ones of her own, to get some answers! INTERVIEWER: Hi, Dr. Patricia! Thank you for chatting with us... read more »

A Talkative Tooth Tells All!

Sugarbug’s National Children’s Dental Health Month blog series features exclusive interviews with our expert care team. Since the first step along the path to strong and healthy teeth is nutrition, we thought we’d go straight to the source and talk with Mr. Marty Molar – if you want to know what’s good for teeth, ask a tooth!   INTERVIEWER: Marty, thank you for being... read more »

Routine Dental Cleanings and Exams, Dental Sealants and Fluoride Treatments Work Together To Create a Healthy, Beautiful Smile for Your Child

When it comes to your child's smile, our caring dentists at Sugarbug Dental & Orthodontics offer all the preventative dental options necessary to keep your child's developing smile healthy as they grow. No matter what their age, your child's smile depends on good care as their permanent teeth come in and replace their primary teeth. Our dentists, Dr. Armand Begian,... read more »

Interceptive Ortho or Phase I Orthodontic Treatment Can Help Your Child’s Developing Teeth Turn out Straight, Aligned and Beautiful

Did you know that your child may need early orthodontic treatment even though they still have some baby teeth? Known as “interceptive” treatment, the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) says that a child's first orthodontic check-up should be done when a problem is initially discovered and definitely no later than age 7. At that age, they will have enough of... read more »

Bring Your Infant or Toddler in for Their First Dental Checkup and Help Them Create Habits for a Lifetime of Healthy Smiles!

As a pediatric dental practice, we are here to help your growing child create healthy habits for a lifetime of healthy smiles! The sooner your child becomes familiar with the dental office and what they can expect, the better your child's oral health. We offer dental cleanings and exams for infants and toddlers. Both the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry... read more »